Ode To An Unhealthy Antelope, With Geographical Inconsistencies.


I should have bought a zippo

I should have bought a zippo


I happened one night upon an antelope

Trying in vain to light his smoke

You see the wind blew hard from the east that night

And his matches just wouldn’t stay alight


Long enough to create an ember

Pipes are notoriously finicky I now remember


He thought

I need help with this and ought

To ask the lion, which I think is risky

Considering the king of the jungle’s history


So he wandered over to where the pride

Were gathered trying to decide

How to keep the cubs away from the fjord

As they were prone to venture, when bored

Far too close to the icy water

Playfully chasing the local sea otter


He asked politely starting to sweat

Nervously trying to forget

Exactly who he was speaking to

These cats were wild and not in a zoo


“Excuse me please do you have a light?

I’m having a little bother tonight”


They looked…..


At the young deer

Who had bravely sauntered over here

To ask for a light so he could smoke

Is this some kind of antelope joke?


The king looked bemused and wandered over

Careful not to fall off the white cliffs of Dover

“Hullo” he said “my name is Steven”

“I’m surprised to see you haven’t been eaten,

“It’s a light you want, oh I see,

well, come on over here follow me”

He said these words with a sideways glance

To his wives who seized upon the chance

To ask the antelope for a fag

You see shopping for cigarettes in Norway is such a drag


He agreed and shared his tobacco around,

The whole pride rolled up and he soon found

There really was no need to be scared

Although we’ll see in the morning just how he fared


After passing the night smoking and reminiscing

At dawns first light we notice he is missing……..

And so to the moral of our sad apologue

If you really need a light

Don’t ask a lion

Ask a dog.

Sam Sam

( I would like to add that the word “FAG” is slang here in the UK and means “CIGARETTE”


7 thoughts on “Ode To An Unhealthy Antelope, With Geographical Inconsistencies.

  1. Love love love your posts



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    *From:* It’s All Just Noise To Me [mailto:comment-reply@wordpress.com] *Sent:* Friday, 6 March 2015 4:45 a.m. *To:* d.scott@kings.school.nz *Subject:* [New post] Ode To An Unhealthy Antelope, With Geographical Inconsistencies.

    samaborder posted: ” . I happened one night upon an antelope Trying in vain to light his smoke You see the wind blew hard from the east that night And his matches just wouldn’t stay alight . Long enough to create an ember Pipes are notoriously finicky”


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